基督教"中懇族群"猶太人 /Christian The "fair_group " The Jews

-1-內容提要(Summary) 各種"礦物":金.銀.銅.鐵.混合土." All kinds of "minerals": "gold". "Silver". "Copper". "Iron." "Mixed soil." 對應"各個中東兩大朝.希臘.羅馬.中古世紀各國及其科技 Corresponding to "the two Middle East. Greece. Rome. Middle Ages As well as countries and their technologies 他們國土領海都碰過"地中海". Their territorial waters have touched the "Mediterranean." -2- 心得總結Experience summary 說白說透了 To be honest 猶太人始祖所創(追隨)的宗教是基督教 The religion that the Jewish ancestor created (and followed) was Christian 猶太人各世代跟地中海周圍各王國帝國有來往 The Jews of every generation With the Mediterranean Empire around the Kingdom 猶太人很上進.所以出現科學家跟發明家. The Jews were very motivated, so scientists and inventors appeared. 其"追尋事物"也就是"教義" 16世紀後.歐洲列國航海時代. 因"教義"也就是"好奇心"."傳教士"出發到各大洲 The "search for things" is "doctrine" After the 16th century. European times of navigati...